View of the area near the bridge at the entrance from the city of Tikhvin to the village of Georgian

The artist is unknown In 1796, Paul I granted the village of Georgino a. AND. Arakcheev (1769–1834). Here, not far from the capital and in…


The artist is Larionov Larionov in his art went through a complex and stormy path of searching from impressionism to futurism, was the founder of…

Portrait of the count f. F. Sumarokov-Elston

The artist is Serov Count Sumarokov-Elston Felix Feliksovich (1887–1967), since 1917 Prince Yusupov-son of Count F. F. Sumarokov-Elston, Prince Yusupov, and Princess Z. N. Yusupova,…

Portrait of the artist

The artist is unknown I entered the timing from the meeting in. E. Makovsky (1846–1920)-the famous artist-forward. Apparently, earlier belonged to his father, Yegor Ivanovich…