Portrait of the prince f. F. Yusupova, Count Sumarokov-Elston

The artist is Serov Sumarokov-Elston Felix Feliksovich (1856–1928)-Princess’s husband. N. Yusupova, the last representative of this princely kind. Brought up in a page corps. In…

Tray and vegetables

The artist is Konchalovsky Konchalovsky’s picturesque works are classic samples of Bunovaletovsky Cezannism in combination with interest in urban visual folklore. According to one of…

Flying demon

The artist is Vrubel Like everything that the master did, „Flying demon “ – deeply sincere and confessional picture. It is striking in the power…


The artist is Konchalovsky In one of the early works of the artist, the influence of the French artist p is felt. Cezanna, thanks to…

Self -portrait and portrait p. P. Konchalovsky

The artist is Mashkov The picture belongs to the early period of the history of the Russian avant -garde. It was first exhibited at a…