Portrait in. E. Meyerhold


The artist is Grigoryev

The portrait of Meyerhold was built unusually: it is depicted in full growth, as if at the time of an eccentric mise -en -scene, in a fancifully broken pose, with sharply raised hands. Near Meyerhold, in the background, an allegorical figure of a hunter in an oriental suit with a bow in his hands is placed. During the First World War, Meyerhold was passionate about the mass pantomime "Hunting". “All of us,” recalls actor A. AND. Mgebrov, – they worked for a long time on a pantomime, where the main theme was symbolic hunters who shoot a wonderful bird. Nobody, alien to anyone and therefore doomed to death. ". AT. AT. Voinov called this work "a double portrait in. E. Meyerhold ". He wrote: “The grimaces of the modern spirit were reflected in it, some kind of breakdown, which forced the nightmares of Russian reality to prefer the nightmares of the booth”. (AT. Prince.).

Meyerhold Vsevolod Emilievich (1874-1940) – theater director and actor. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1923). Since 1914, under the pseudonym, Dr. Dagtto led the experimental work of the studio on Borodinskaya St., He was the director of the journal "Love for Three Oranges" (1914–1916). In 1915 he set the film "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (. Wilde) and starred in him in the role of Lord Henry.

Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. With. 150.

Portrait of Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold (1874–1940), who was the main director of the imperial theaters during the writing of the portrait, is the most famous work of Grigoryev. The painter and director united the general search for the new language of expressiveness in painting and theater: gravity to grotesque, experimentation, artistry. Who knew the director was amazing how sharply and vividly conveyed by the artist "The essence of the interesting figure of our theater modernist". Contemporaries considered this work by a double portrait of Meyerhold: a figure in the Hunter’s stage costume – the embodiment of the creative plan of the director and actor.

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