The artist is Repin
The outstanding abilities of Repin-portraitist manifested themselves already in his early work, in the mid-1870s. By the beginning of the next decade, his talent reached full flowering, and the 1880-1890s became the time of creating the most remarkable portraits.
Portrait with. M. Dragomirova was written in the workshop and. E. Repin in St. Petersburg. Sofya Mikhailovna posed when she was 18 years old. In the portrait of the eighteen -year -old daughter of the commander of the Kyiv military district, the ornament and the color of the national costume effectively emphasize the correct features of the young person.
It is known that at a time when Repin wrote her in the Ukrainian outfit, his student came to the workshop, in. AND. Serov, and also expressed a desire to write Sophia (a portrait of a brush in. AND. Serova is stored in the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan).
Dragomirova Sofya Mikhailovna (1871–1953)-daughter of the Kyiv, Podolsky and Volyn governor, commander of the troops of the Kyiv military district, military writer, historian and theorist Mikhail Ivanovich Dragomirov (1830–1905), who also served as well as served. E. Repin is a model for the image of the chieftain Sirko in the film “Cossacks”, and his wife Sofya Abramovna. She married Alexander Sergeyevich Lukomsky (1868-1939), senior adjutant of the headquarters of the Kyiv Military District, later a participant in the First World and Civil Wars, a prominent figure in the White Movement and one of the organizers of the Volunteer Army. After the revolution, she was with her husband in Constantinople, then in Nice, where with. AND. Lukomsky served as an adviser to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich. Since the mid-1920s, Lukomsky have lived in Paris. After World War II, she moved with her daughter Sofia Alexandrovna in the United States. She was buried in a cemetery at the Assumption Monastery in Novo-Diveeva (New York).