

The artist is Filonov

The work is an example of numerous incarnations of the analytical method of p. Filonova. With his principle, the artist chose to follow. He approved the method by which the painter and the draftsman must "germinate" their images, just as a flower grows out of grain. The artist also believed that in any object there is visible and invisible. The image of the invisible is, according to the theory. Filonova, one of the tasks of the artist. It is her that he embodies in the composition "Goat", where the volume of the picturesque is dissolved in pulsating matter.

“Goat” is a picture in which the master’s ideas about the canon and the law “seeing the eye” and “the eye knowing” were reflected, about making and the analytical method. “Knowing eye” reveals hidden, invisible biological processes, organic self-development of the form gives rise to a new plastic structure, from which it arises, or in it disappears, like the Cheshire cat, the contour of the goat, or rather, in the philosopher-the “goat’s formula”.

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