Ship grove


The artist is Shishkin

Shishkin’s brilliant outcome of the half -century path in Russian art was the picture „Ship grove “(1898), which was based on sketches, performed by him near Elabuga in the Afonas ship grove, where he found his ideal – a synthesis of harmony and greatness. This canvas is a wide and multifaceted generalization, but the image created in it has not lost the specificity, trepidation of life and a feeling of proximity of a person. The picture can be considered classical in completeness, the fullness of the artistic image, the monumentality of the sound. Slender tall pines appear in all plastic beauty. It seems almost tactile lovingly written resinous trunks. The work does not have a single piece performed by an indifferent, familiar, humble hand. The artist seems to live one life with nature depicted by him. The picture became the final chord in the epic created by the master, symbolizing the beauty and strength of Russian forests. Irina Shuvalova. “What could be better than nature!"// Ivan Shishkin from the collections of the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery. SPb, 2008. With. eighteen.

Like all Shishkin’s best canvases, this picture gives rise to a feeling of life, a feeling of immediate proximity to nature. It was based on full -scale studies made by the artist in his native Prikamsky forests. But this last work of the master reflects that deepest knowledge of the plant world, which he had accumulated over almost half -century creative life. Cutting off the top of the top of the trunks (a technique that is often repeated by Shishkin), the artist enhances the impression of the vastness of trees, which, it seems, does not have enough space on the canvas. Powerful centuries -old pines are given in all plastic beauty. Their cup -shaped bark is literally fashioned with a brush using many colors. Shishkin was and remained to the end of an unsurpassed expert in a tree, who did not have rivals in the image of a coniferous forest. Butterfly fluttered over the stream, slightly bluish reflexes from the sky, greenish reflections in the water, lilac shades on the trunks, bring the bright joy of being, without violating the impressions of the spilled around rest. A variety of strokes that reveal the shape and texture emphasize the softness of the grass, fluffy needles, barrel fortress. Everything is felt in everything is honed skill, the artist’s confident hand. The specificity of the image is combined in a work with a wide generalization.

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Throughout the creative path, Shishkin had tireless energy and performance. At the same time, his works have always been distinguished by a high level of performing skills. The brilliant result and the pinnacle of the painter’s work is the painting “Ship Grove” (1898). In it, the artist reached impeccable harmony and the greatness of the forest landscape. On the basis of preparatory art materials collected near Elabuga in the Afonas ship grove, a typical image of Russian nature was created in the St. Petersburg workshop. It is no coincidence that during the first exhibiting the work at the XXVI, the exhibition of the Partnership of the Wanderers heard enthusiastic reviews of Shishkin’s colleagues: “Pine at the exhibition smelled – sun, light arrived!"". Thus, only a life -affirmative nature could only a sincerely loving and penetratively feeling its person, whose creative credo reflects the author’s inscription on one of the sketches of the captured places: “Expands, expanse, land. Rye. God’s grace. Russian wealth ". Sergey Krivondenchenkov. Collection of Shishkin painting in the Russian Museum // Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. 1832–1898. Pictures, drawings and watercolors, engravings from the funds of the Russian Museum. SPb, 2020. With. nine.

Ship grove – an animated picture on the educational portal "Hello, museum".

Methodical materials on the educational portal "Hello, museum".

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