The artist is Repin
Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828–1910)-count, writer, corresponding member of AN (1873), Honorary Academician (1900). (E. To.) Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. With. 49.
Molstoy of Repin was associated with many years of friendly relations. The artist has been visiting Yasnaya Polyana on his estate more than once and worked a lot from nature, leaving a whole gallery of portraits of the writer. In 1891, Repin performed Tolstoy’s study in prayer, standing as usual in his beloved maple forest. Having decided to create a large canvas, the artist began working on a work in Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy posed several times in the garden. The nature of the portrait to a certain extent reflects the spiritual searches of the writer: at that time he sought to “interview”, often engaged in peasant labor. Being a great impression of communicating with Tolstoy, Repin wrote his daughter: “No matter how this giant humiliates himself, no matter how browned rags he covers his mighty body, Zeus is always visible in him, from whose wave of eyebrows the whole Olympus trembles”. The artist only after ten years ended the portrait in which he conveyed the state of concentration, self -deepening of the writer. At the same time, the master was also interested in the plastic expressiveness of the appearance of Tolstoy. His pose is vital, the gesture of hands laid behind the belt is characteristic. For all the natural simplicity, the image of Tolstoy is fulfilled by the significance that the artist strove for. (AND. Sh.). Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. With. 62.