

The artist is Konchalovsky

In one of the early works of the artist, the influence of the French artist p is felt. Cezanna, thanks to which the creative manner of a famous master was formed. P. Konchalovsky in his early work seeks to create with the help of color and texture every portrait "Powerful and whole". The waist portrait depicts the Spanish Matador Manuel Gart, one of the main participants in the traditional Bykov battle in Spain. On his head, a traditional burglated bugwall of a velvet thread, known since the nineteenth century, he is dressed in a white shirt with a tie and a tailcoat (part of the city’s city suit of the twentieth century), a green cloak-deck was thrown on his left shoulder, in the left hand of a cigarette. Using his favorite artistic tricks, the artist created the image of a strong, courageous, full dignity of Matador, boldly and confidently looking at the viewer.

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