Hall in the house of Golenishchev-Kutuzovs in St. Petersburg


The artist is unknown

Judging by the size, this picture is likely to be sketches for larger works of the genre “Family Portrait in the interior”, very common in the second quarter of the 19th century, in the Bidermaire era. Similar paintings were often performed by school artists A. G. Venetianov, often were programmatic works of painters who worked under the auspices of the OPX, the free students of the IAX, as a riser for improving the art of building space in the future. During the stay of the Governor General of St. Petersburg,. AT. Golenishchev-Kutuzov lived in the rooms of the house on the corner of Gorokhovaya Street and Admiralty Square, trimmed for his predecessor m. AND. Miloradovich. The house was built for and. F. Fitingofa (1788–1790; Arch. D. Quarengs), after his death, the owner became the nephew g. AND. Potemkina Count a. N. Samoilov. In 1804 it was bought into the treasury and partially rebuilt a. AND. Mikhailov 1st, after which it houses the house of provincial present places. After overhaul and restructuring of interiors (1840s and 1877-1880s), the St. Petersburg mayor was located in it. The house exists to this day and retained the original appearance of the facades. Judging by the inscription "Governor’s House", the picturesque study is clearly made from nature, and it can be dated the time of stay. AT. Golenishchev as Governor General: 1825–1830. The costumes of the depicted correspond to this period.

N. X. Unknown artist. SPb, 2012. With. 200.

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