Portrait of the Count. G. Kusheleva


The artist is Kiprensky

Kushelev Grigory Grigoryevich (1754–1833) – Count (since 1799). Studied in the Sea Cadet Corps. Member of the archipelagic expedition during the Russo-Turkish war 1771–1774. Head of the Gatchina Flotilla. Admiral General of the Order of. John of Jerusalem (from 1799). Major General, Adjutant General. From 1798-admiral, vice president of the Admiralty College. Under Alexander I, he was dismissed from all affairs. Collected a large collection of paintings, an honorary lover of IAX. He was married twice, secondary – on Lyubov Ilyinichna Bezborodko, Chancellor’s niece. Depicted with the orders of CV. Andrew the First -Called (tape and star; 1799),. Alexander Nevsky (cross on the neck; 1797, with diamonds; 1798), sv. Anna of the 1st degree (cross on the neck; 1796), sv. John of Jerusalem (cross on the neck, commander – from 1798, cavalier of the Big Cross – from 1799), the French Order of CV. Lazarus (green cross on a green tape, Golden Star).

Portrait Gallery of the Russian Museum. Persons of Russia. SPb. 2012. With. 99.

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