Portrait a. O. Orlovsky


The artist is the Reichel

Orlovsky Alexander Osipovich (09.03.1777, Warsaw – 02.03.1832, St. Petersburg) – painter, draftsman, engraver, lithograph. Portraitist, author of battal, animalist, historical, household plots, caricaturist. Systematic art education did not receive. He studied in Warsaw with a painter-Batalist. P. Norbleon, the portraitist and historical painter m. Bachcharelli, took lessons from the engraver b. Folino and with a miniaturist in. Leser.

During the uprising T. Kostyushko 1793–1795 volunteered for the rebel army. In 1802 he arrived in Russia. Used the patronage of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich. In 1809 he received the title of academician of battal painting. Since 1819 he was in the service in the military topographic depot of the General Staff. Worked in various graphic techniques, one of the first in Russia to turn to the technique of lithography.

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