Type of military telegraph under Varnish


The artist is Vorobyov

During the Turkish war in 1828, Vorobyov consisted of a retinue of Nicholas I “for drawing and scripture of sketches according to his instructions” and was sent to the main apartment of the Second Army on the Danube. During this period, he painted several paintings devoted to military operations in the ancient city (“View of the siege of Varna”, “Explosion of Varna”, “View of Odessa”, “The ship during the storm on which the sovereign was located”, “Bosphorus”, “The Sea of ​​Sea near Varna "), among which the presented work occupies a worthy place. Varna was known with VI in. BC. e. Like a Greek colony Odessa. It occupied a profitable military-strategic position, which caused many wars from those who wanted to own this territory. In 1391, Varna was conquered by the troops of the Ottoman Empire and became its fortress. During the Russo-Turkish War (1828–1829), Varna was part of Turkey underwent a long siege of Russian troops. July 22, 1829 Eight Russian battleships, three frigates, brig, luger, steamer and three scorerships approached Varna. The squadron blocked it from the sea, and then on September 25, the naval landing and the ground forces began the assault on Varna from all sides. Perhaps this event formed the basis of the presented picturesque work. On September 29, Varna surrendered, 9 thousand prisoners and 291 guns were taken. Already much later than July 27, 1878, having survived numerous wars, Varna was finally liberated by Russian troops from the centuries -old Turkish rule and became part of the new Bulgaria.

M.N.Vorobyov was one of the brightest representatives of the romantic direction in landscape painting. This work reflected the main dignity of his work – skillful possession of a linear and air perspective. The picture was written for Count A.X. Benckendorf was exhibited at the Iakh exhibition a year after its creation, in 1830.

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