The artist is Lapchenko
The painting "Susanna and the Elders" is the peak of the work of Grigory Ignatievich Lapchenko. It depicts Susanna – a Jew of Babylon, behind whom, according to the Old Testament, two elders peered in the garden during her walk, and then, threatening to accuse her of adultery with a stranger, tried to get reciprocity. For disobedience, she was accused and sentenced to death. But, thanks to the prophet Daniel, was saved, and false witnesses were convicted of lies and executed.
A model for Susanna for the artist was the Italian beauty, the daughter of the poor winemaker from Albano – Wittoria Kaldoni, who later became his wife. She posed and a. AND. Ivanov.
In a letter from the artist to the board of IAH from Rome, dated November 23, 1831, it is said: “I wrote a picture of a natural size that is stripping Susann…"". After returning from Italy, the artist filed a petition to certify him from the title of academician painted in the painting. The Council of IAX determined the “artist Lapchenko to certify the title of academician and submit to the approval of the general meeting of the Academy; The picture of him, depicting Susanna, add to the list of things to the Academic Museum ".