Portrait of the artist Peter Fedorovich Sokolov (1791-1847)


The artist is Tropinin

Sokolov Petr Fedorovich (1791, Moscow – 1848, estate Old Merchik Kharkov province)
Watercolist, drawing, painter; Portraitist, author of compositions on historical topics. From 1800 – a pupil of IAX, studied with a. E. Egorova and c. To. Shebuev. In 1806 he was awarded Malaya Silver, in 1807 and 1808 – large silver medals. In 1809 I received a small gold medal for the program "Andromaha mourns Hector", in 1810-a certificate of the 1st degree. Academician (1839) IAH on watercolor portrait painting. In 1842-1843 he traveled to Germany and France. From 1846 he lived in Moscow.

Performed about 450 portraits in watercolor technique on paper, drawing by Sangina and Italian pencil. He was married to Julia Pavlovna Bryullova (1804–1887) – sister A. P. and K. P. Bryullovs. Sons: Peter
(1821–1899)-genre and portraitist, Pavel (1826–1905)-painter, watercolist, Alexander (1829–1913)-Portraitist Watercolist.

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