Portrait of a young man in a dressing room. Self -portrait (?)


The artist is unknown

Arzamas school a. AT. Stupina (?)

The plastic solution, the coloristic system, the physiognomic features of the “portrait of a young man in a dressing gown” are very close to the works of Nikolai Mikhailovich Alekseev (Syrorayansky) (1814 (13) –1880), an artist brought up by the Arzamas school a. AT. Stupina. However, authorship and personification of the work – the subject of long -standing disputes – require additional research. N. N. Wrangel considered this picture a self -portrait (?) O. AND. Kiprensky and attributed to 1808. Until 1955, attribution of p was adopted. E. Kornilova, who considered this work by a self -portrait of n. M. Alekseeva: Such a conclusion was based on the similarity of the “portrait of a young man in a dressing gown” with a “young man in a dressing gown” on a group portrait of Stupin with students (1838, timing, Zh-5253), the author of which he considered N. M. Alekseeva. The same opinion was held and. N. Benois (Benoit. With. 90–91). Meanwhile,. AT. Smirnov, based on a personal certificate gathered from the archival document. M. Alekseev that on the group portrait “are depicted by the boy Alexander and the student of Zhukov standing behind Stupin” (RGIA, F. 789, op. 14, d. 11-a, l. 54), refuted the statement of Kornilov and did not find convincing similarity of reliable self -portraits. M. Alekseev with a "portrait of a young man in a dressing gown". The dating of the portrait “About 1840” proposed by Kornilov, when n. M. Alekseev was 24–26 years old, clearly contradicts the age of the depicted young man. As a result, the HRM attribution council found that there are sufficient grounds to consider the “portrait of a young man in a dressing gown” by a self -portrait of. M. There is no Alekseev, and deduced this work from among his works (protocol of AS from 21.02.1955). Meanwhile, today this conclusion does not seem indisputable.

N. X. Unknown artist. SPb, 2012. With. 134.

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