
Artist – Petrov -Vodkin At the beginning of the 20th century, the name of Petrov-Vodkin became widely known in art circles. The tendency to philosophical…

Winter landscape (Russian winter)

The artist is Krylov The first winter landscape in Russian art. The landscape was written from nature in the village of Nikolsky near Tosolo near…

To war

The artist is Savitsky Showing the dramatic events of peasant life, a tendency to create large epic paintings, the emotional tension of the scenes are…

Merchant for tea

The artist is Kustodiev It is hard to imagine that the mentally and colorful generous, luminous art of Kustodiev retained its amazing qualities even at…


The artist – layers Almost all the paintings of Arkady Plastov are devoted to the life of peasants. Having completed training at the Stroganov Central…


The artist is Filonov The work is an example of numerous incarnations of the analytical method of p. Filonova. With his principle, the artist chose…


The artist is Mashkov Mashkov – leading master of art association „Diamond Valet “, the creative platform of which is based on the understanding of…

Portrait a. O. Orlovsky

The artist is the Reichel Orlovsky Alexander Osipovich (09.03.1777, Warsaw – 02.03.1832, St. Petersburg) – painter, draftsman, engraver, lithograph. Portraitist, author of battal, animalist, historical,…

Portrait of Tsar Ivan IV Grozny

The artist is unknown Tsar Ivan IV Vasilievich (Grozny) (1530-1584) – son of Vasily III and Elena Glinskaya. Ventchans to the kingdom in 1547 after…

Portrait in. E. Meyerhold

The artist is Grigoryev The portrait of Meyerhold was built unusually: it is depicted in full growth, as if at the time of an eccentric…